Adjusting to life on a septic tank

Life on a septic tank means that we have had to adjust some of the products we use in the house. As a septic tank is filled with bacteria, we can’t use to same cleaning products that we have used in the past as they will damage the bacteria and do more harm than good.

The main ingredient you need to be conscious of is phosphorus.

Most products will have a “septic friendly” or “greywater friendly” stamp on their labels, which is super handy when you’re at the shops.

We’ve switched over to using Earth Choice products. They have a great range of items, and they are available at both Coles and Woolworths.

Definitely check out the products online before purchasing. We’ve found a significant difference in price between Woolworths and Coles for the Laundry Liquid.

For toilets, we’ve picked up some Earth Choice Cream Cleanser because you can’t use regular toilet duck, etc. The Cream Cleanser works really well and helps to get rid of the typical stains you get from being on septic.

Another thing to keep an eye on is what handwashes you buy for your bathrooms. We made the mistake of buying “anti-bacterial” ones which we can’t use because they will damage the septic as well.

It’s all the little things that you don’t realise!